SEP 07, 2022 3:25 PM PDT

How Cannabis Can Help Ease Menopause

WRITTEN BY: Helaine Krysik

Relief from symptoms related to menopause is one of the ailments that cannabis can help relieve, according to recent studies. The plant is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to prescription medications, a trend that will grow in the years ahead.

According to a 2020 study, 1 in 4 women use cannabis as treatment for effects of menopause. And additional research suggests that the number of women using cannabis to relieve perimenopause is also growing.

But why is it becoming so popular? How does weed help relieve menopause?

Most users in the studies claimed that cannabis helps as a mood stabilizer, easing anxiety and relieving insomnia. The most popular methods of ingesting were either through smoking or consuming edibles.  

Since the endocannabinoid system rules our internal systems such as stress, sleep, and body temperature, they are activated by cannabinoids in the plant such as THC and CBD, which explains the positive correlation.

CBD is thought to be the stronger potential treatment, in some cases better than that of THC. In some users, THC can be a stimulant, especially if taken in moderate to large quantities, which would counteract any efforts to take it to combat insomnia. CBD, on the other hand, is non psychoactive and well known for having relaxing, sedative qualities.

This is very promising research, as cannabis may soon become a viable alternative to hormone replacement therapy when it comes to easing some menopause symptoms. HRT is not for everyone, as some women develop harsh side effects from the treatment. Some patients are not candidates for HRT at all because of having had cancer.

Prior to buying any over the counter products, it’s a good idea to first consult with your doctor or healthcare provider. Cannabis products overall are not yet well regulated, so a health care professional can direct you as to where you can find treatments that are not only effective, but safe as well.



Sources:, Healthline, Healthline, Mayo Clinic

About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
Helaine is a cannabis industry writer and marketing consultant. She has been active in the Illinois cannabis industry since 2020, and writes for a variety of national publications.
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